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Join Us for our Next Event!
All "Meet Nehemiah" Luncheons have been postponed until it is safe to meet in groups.
For more information, please call our Director of Development, Alice Hanson-Drew, at
Past Events
The Nehemiah Project Inc. 50th Anniversary Celebration
Our Board of Directors and staff want to thank everyone who joined us for our 50th Anniversary Celebration in November!





Best-selling author Mitch Albom mesmerized the crowd during his keynote address introducing his newest book, Finding Chika.
A Special Thank You to our sponsors who made the evening possible!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!
Planning Team for Nehemiah's 50th Celebration & Fundraising Event

Back row left to right: Rev. Ed Ruen, Phil Morris, Marye Beth Dugan, Ralph Cavaiani, George Ann Casper, Mike Brady
Front row left to right: Dick Larsen, Allan Montezon, John Schaller, Alice Hanson-Drew
"Meet Nehemiah" Luncheons

"Meet Nehemiah Luncheons" are a great opportunity to learn more about The Nehemiah Project, meet staff, see our workspace, learn more about programs and about the youth that we serve. A light lunch is served during these hour-long events.
If you are interested in attending a luncheon or learning more about them,
please call our Director of Development, Alice Hanson-Drew, at
A Visit from the Secretary

On November 21st 2019, The Nehemiah Project Inc. welcomed Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Emilie Amundson and other DCF representatives, Milwaukee Bureau of Child Welfare professionals, and representatives from Wisconsin Association of Family Children's Agencies for a listening session. Nehemiah Project staff were delighted to have the opportunity to share success stories, challenges, and collaborative efforts. We were honored to be chosen for this very special visit.
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