Community Collaboration Projects
All Hands Boatworks
Cardinal Stritch University
Center for Self-Suffiency
Cornerstone Counseling
Cross Lutheran
Express Yourself Milwaukee
Family Options
Goodwill Industries
Hamlin University
Hawk's Nursery
Hope St. Ministries
Independence First
Int. Forgiveness Institute
Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful
Lad Lake
Marquette University
MD Therapy
Milwaukee Public Schools
Milwaukee Bucks
Milwaukee Public Library
MLK Community Center
Milwaukee County Parks
Milwaukee Rescue Mission
The Nehemiah Project staff has worked in the community for over 50 years and knows that helping our youth is best achieved through the use of the many resources our city and state have to offer. We are proud to collaborate and partner with agencies and programs that can help our youth achieve the BEST outcomes.
A list of collaborative partners:
Mount Carmel Congregation
Mount Mary College
Mount Zion Congregation
Neighboorhood House
New Choices
North Shore Congregational
Northside YMCA
Our Safe Place
Ozaukee Congregational
Panera Bread
Pius XI High School
Running Rebels
Safe and Sound
St. Aemilian's
St. Ann Center
St. Charles Youth & Family
St. Mark's Lutheran
St. Michael's Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Siebert Foundation
United Community Center
US Bank
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee